Tight 5
Tight 5
A Comedy Series hosted by Greer Dworman
A come-as-you-are comedy show billed with performers willing to try stand-up for the first time ever, Tight 5 is a comedy series curated and hosted by comedian and performer Greer Dworman. Universally agreed upon as the scariest thing anyone will ever do (questionably an exaggeration), Tight 5 prompts performers to “Try it. Just try it!” or “Let go and let god!”
Dworman presently and passionately investigates comedy and pop culture in her work, grappling with larger ideas in the world located in personal narrative, concerning herself with the Right Now.
Greer Dworman is a Chicago-born now Brooklyn-based performer and maker. Her work has been presented in venues across Chicago and is now emerging within the New York performance community as part of CATCH, Movement Research at the Judson Church, SHELTER Talk Series, Salonathon Chicago, and Brink! at Dixon Place, among others.