Stooge Director Madeleine Farley on Extreme Fandom

September 7, 2018

I’m interested in outsiders—people who seem to have the type of freedom dreaded by so-called normal people. I heard about Robert, a man in his 50s tearing around Europe in a 1980s hot hatch following his rock ‘n’ roll hero Iggy  Pop. I’d just returned from filming gorillas in Africa, and here was this madman trying to convince me Iggy Pop was the “last silverback of rock ‘n’ roll.” I had no idea what I was getting into. Now I realize Stooge is about the dark, consuming quality of fandom—its chaos—how it absorbs people and leaves them bereft. On another level the film is about obsession and desperation—Robert seems to be trying to bring something to a close, while not wanting it to ever end.

Special screening on Thursday, September 13, 2018 / 7 PM / Free

Discussion with the director and producers follows the screening


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