Aaron Stern Salon
Aaron Stern Salon
with Jordan Sullivan, Kate Stone, Elizabeth Schmuhl, Rosebud Ben-Oni and Andreas Laszlo Konrath
Photographers Aaron Stern, Jordan Sullivan, Andreas Laszlo Konrath, and poets Elizabeth Schmuhl and Rosebud Ben-Oni will discuss and read work from the second volume of Dialogues – a series of books published by Stern and Sullivan, focusing on the intersection of poetry and photography.
More information about DIALOGUES can be found HERE
New York City-based Photographer Kate Stone will present her recent book, How We End. A collaboration with writer Hannah Schneider, How We End is a book of 41 illustrated short stories chronicling the romantic history of an unnamed and unreliable narrator. How We End was shortlisted 2016 Paris Photo Aperture Photobook Awards.
More information about How We End can be found HERE