Vega Arts Workshop Series

Inspired by the legacy of Arturo Vega, The Vega Arts Workshop offers High quality adult art education, introducing students to working artists and the rich cultural heritage of the Lower East Side. Each workshop Involves an original activity related to an aspect of the artist’s practice designed for participants to complete within two hours.

Workshops are free and all materials are provided.

“These workshops have truly been a gift to my soul. Grateful to have access to this art.”
—Workshop Participant from the Elizabeth Gregory-Gruen Workshop: Cut Work

Vega Arts Workshop Sizzle Reel:

Past Workshops
Klown Portrait Polaroid with Gail Thacker
Scooterwear Silk Screen T-Shirt with Scooter LaForge
Cut Work with Elizabeth Gregory-Gruen
The Hyperrealist Experience with Curt Hoppe
Self-Portrait Drawing with Guy Woodard
Sculpturmania with Linus Coraggio
Mirrored Experiments with Tessa Hughes-Freeland
Collage Portraits with Antony Zito
Ideas of Watching with Jane Dickson
Aesthetic Archeology with Andrew Castrucci

“The entire process was superb and full of energy. (As an art therapist, artist, and educator, it was full of fun and made me feel excitement…being frivolous…being a kid.)” —Scooterwear Workshop Participant

The Villager had this to say about the first workshop, with Gail Thacker:
Send in the ‘Klowns’; Howl’ing about workshops

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