Whispers Tribute: hosted by Hapi Phace
Whispers Tribute: hosted by Hapi Phace
Conceived as a response to the gentrification and pasteurization of New York in 1984, Whispers was billed as “The Complete Suburban Gay Experience” and as a party for “hairdressers, display queens, theatre folk, fashionistas, florists, and sensitive straight people,” Whispers was distinctly tongue-in- cheek, featuring everything from the hanky code, to roller disco, Sixties kitsch, drag queens and kings and the fine art of the lipsynch.
Performers include Pioneering Experimental Theater performer Agosto Machado, Pyramid/Wigstock co-foundress Sister Dimension, Poet Kennon B. Raines, from Montreal, chanteuse quebecoise Marleen Menard, Hapi Phace and Hattie Hathaway, and, in a tribute to International Chrysis, Bobbie. PLUS: Bar dancing turns by Butch Icon Dee Finley and “The Painted Man”, David Caskie!
Happy Phace Much loved emcee of Whispers, Hapi is also a Melville Scholar, sculptor and most recently appeared with Dancenoise at the Whitney Museum, NYC.
Sister Dimension, co-Founder of not only the Pyramid, but also Wigstock AND Whispers, star of the YouTube sensation Pickle Surprise, and a world-famous DJ to boot, Sister has recently returned to the stage after a decade-long absence and recently wowed the audience on The Wigstock Cruise 2015.