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Reading of A THOUSAND CRANES by David Caudle

Reading of A THOUSAND CRANES by David Caudle

April 17, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

250 Bowery, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012 + Google Map

Reading of A THOUSAND CRANES by David Caudle to benefit A is For

Directed by Michole Biancosino

Dramaturg: Morgan Jenness

Featuring: Will Brill, Robert Cuccioli, Sanjit De Silva, Isabel Keating, Florencia Lozano, Evan Ohbayashi, Erin Wilhelmiand others TBA.

FREE TICKET LINK: https://secure.givelively.org/event/a-is-for/reading-of-a-thousand-cranes-to-benefit-a-is-for

White, GOP Texas Congressman Walt Woodhouse leaves the midterm campaign trail to be with his coed daughter, in a coma from a brutal attack. When the doctor urges the morning after drug to prevent a pregnancy from rape, Walt faces a choice that could put him at odds with his family, his God and himself.


A is For

A is For was conceived at a party in 2012 by actors and friends, Martha Plimpton, Kellie Overbey, and Gina Loukareas. At the time, they were discussing Sandra Fluke, a college student who had been demanding coverage for birth control at Georgetown University and the vitriol that she subsequently experienced from conservative press and lawmakers. Rush Limbaugh had even gone so far as to call the law student a “slut” and a “prostitute” for simply seeking equal access to reproductive healthcare. In our shared rage, Martha said They may as well have us wear the Scarlet A!” 

Within the next few months, A is For emerged in response to the further escalating legislative attacks on access to safe abortion. And just as Martha, Kellie, and Gina had imagined at that party, they took Hester Prynne’s Scarlet A, intended as a symbol of shame, and re-claimed it. You decide what your A is for: Access, Advocacy, Autonomy, Abortion, etc.

A Thousand Cranes
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